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QOTD ‘Terminator’ Style


“I’ll be back.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator

It turns out that Arnold will indeed be back as a part of Paramount’s reboot of The Terminator.  The new film, entitled Terminator: Genesis, is set to hit theaters in July 2015, and will be directed by Alan Taylor (Game of Thrones, Thor, Mad Men).   While the storyline of the movie is still under wraps, news of the cast is buzzing.  On Friday, it was announced that Game of Thrones’ star and Mother of Dragons, Emilia Clarke, 26, landed the coveted role of Sarah Connor.  (Fun Fact – The Khaleesi’s co-star and co-Queen of Westeros, Lena Headey, played Sarah Connor on Fox’s television series, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles).  Another Clarke, Zero Dark Thirty’s Jason Clarke, 44, to be exact, is rumored to be in negotiations to star as John Connor, the son of Sarah.  Considering the age gap bewteen the two thespians, and the nature of Terminator, we are guessing that John will either be in the future or back from the future.   Little is known about Schwarzenegger’s role in the film.

We do know that this is not the only Terminator on the horizon.  According to reports, while the project is held jointly by Paramount, Skydance Productions, and Annapurna Pictures, Annapurna owns the rights for at least two films.

RPW will keep you posted as details of the reboot unfold.
